17 May 2007

Wolfowitz stepping down?!

So Paul Wolfowitz has agreed to step down as head of the World Bank. The controversy revolves around a series of pay increases given to a World Bank employee who just so happens to be his girlfriend, pictured above the pic of Wolfowitz. CNN.com described her as "an Oxford-educated Arab Muslim feminist in her early 50s." I figured she had to be either a feminist or the "guy" in a lesbian couple because she is one ugly chick. I guess Wolfwowitz is still arguing that he didn't do anything even though he's been banging this chick for a while and he is the head of the entire bank. The World Bank has agreed to say he did nothing ethically wrong, but if it means getting rid of this jackass they'd give him two tickets to Mexico to watch the donkey show. You just can't go around sticking your dick in your employees and expect to get away unscathed (read--Bill Clinton). It's all about perception and these raises (a promotion to a tax-free $194K annual salary no less) certainly would've raised a stink. It's very similar to how I'm sometimes not taken seriously at work because I'm so good looking and people think I get away with murder at the job...right.

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