07 May 2007

A sports recap

It's been a while since I wrote something sports-related so I thought I'd recap some things from late last week and over the weekend.

First, I watched the bout between De La Hoya and Mayweather. It was a good fight, but certainly not a great one. Mayweather won a split decision, which was a bit strange to me since I thought Mayweather won easily (even if I was hoping for the Golden Boy to beat him senseless). Mayweather's speed and defense were phenomenal. The way this guy rolls his left shoulder to absorb blows is uncanny. His stamina is second-to-none...the guy didn't look any different in the 12th round. I've always been impressed by the guy so it's no surprise he came out on top. De La Hoya's defense was very good and I thought his strategy was pretty sound. The problem was he didn't execute it often enough. He needed to continue to use the jab and press the issue. Even if he didn't land many of the punches cleanly it would've meant he was pressing the issue and dictating the pace of the fight. When he did it he was on, but the rest of time he just gave Mayweather time to take clean shots. While I paid for this one I just don't see a rematch coming anywhere close to the hype of the first fight. If you want another possible great fight make sure you tune in next month to the Miguel Cotto-Zab Judah fight in Madison Square Garden.

Is anyone really surprised Dirk Nowitzki fizzled during the playoffs. Aside from game 5 he was completely worthless. There's an NBA commercial that runs on ABC where several superstars are counting down the clock as they try the game winner. Good thing they don't show the Dirk piece for long because he'd definitely clank it off the rim. It'd take too many takes to get the shot to fall. The guy is just too soft and doesn't have the cajones to put the team on his back. For all the criticisms of Kobe at least he's willing to do what it takes to win games even if it means completely blowing off his teammates.

Does anyone else think Jeff Van Gundy looks like he's contracted the plague and will drop dead at any minute? It looks like he was down in the Amazon and when he came back his hair fell out and grew a giant tumor on the top of his head.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

What did I tell you? Easy money.
By the way, the white writing on a black screen fucks with my eyes.