10 May 2007

Just a smidge of reality

From time to time I'll post a little somethin'-somethin' to delight my tens of readers with a small dose of life as a man sees it. This may sometimes anger the women who read it and even piss off the gents who read it because I'm giving away secrets. Don't worry because I'm sure when my wife reads it she won't be too happy about it, but what are you going to do? Such is life. So we've been having some conversations in the office about guy tendencies and habits and we ran across something every guy does, but may not admit. I'm talking about the ladies and the images that sometimes can run through a guy's head. Here's the thing: many guys will picture their female friends or strangers naked at least one time. Sometimes the image is a delightful one and at other times you want to wash your brain out with some bleach. But let's just say it happens more often than not. It could even be someone you just happen to walk by on the street or in the office. So, ladies the next time a guy is looking at you with glassy eyes it could be he's imagining you in your skivvies or even less. Don't worry though; unless the guy is Jack the Ripper he's just indulging a little primal urge.

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