08 May 2007

America's skank at it again

Why does this mentally handicapped piece of monkey crap continue to get press? Now she's got a petition to the Arnold on her MySpace page asking people to sign it in order to keep her out of prison. Apparently there's a separate petition on www.ipetitions.com that asks people to sign it if they want to see her privileged ass in the slammer. Cnn.com has a video that discusses why there is such a large appeal when it comes to Paris despite the fact she is a waste of flesh. I think it's because every mid-30s guy who lives at home and plays D&D figures he's got a chance with a girl who gives it up like it was growing on trees. And there have to be plenty of girls who are looking to become drunk, racist whores and God knows Paris Hilton is the great example. How her family sticks by her is amazing. Papa Hilton should send this skanky piece of trash off to some island so she's never heard from again. Wouldn't that be great?

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