09 May 2007

Curt Schilling? Yep, still an asshole.

I'm simply "amazed" Schilling would back off of his comments. What a slapdick! This guy is a serious piece of work. I look over his apology on his blog and I'm going, 'okay, this is cool' because he's telling everyone there's no excuse for what he said and then I get to the part where he states, "I'd love to tell you I was ambushed, misquoted, misinterpreted, something other than what it was, but I wasn't," he wrote. "I'm thinking that waking up at 8:30 a.m. to do the weekly interview we do with WEEI is probably not the greatest format and if you heard the interview it's not hard to realize that I'm usually awake about 30-45 seconds before it begins. Ummm, that sounds like an excuse to me. Why even include something like this? All it shows is that your apology is completely insincere bullshit. Now we know exactly how you feel, jerk off.

1 comment:

The Browns said...

That's all fine, I still like him pitching for my team...