10 May 2007

Houses passes war funding measure

So the House has passed a revised measure that funds the war until July, at which time a review will be made of the progress of the war. If acceptable funding would continue until the end of the fiscal year. The proposal now goes to the Senate, which has said (both Democrats and Republicans) such a measure will not pass the President's desk. I can understand the need for some type of consequences in order to motivate the Iraqi government to make some strides rather than deciding to take a summer break. We don't want to be throwing our money away for what's become a frivolous pursuit. However, as a member of the military I find it appalling our senators/representatives are holding up a measure that is critical to the success of our military operations in Iraq. Every day this is held up is another day our armed forces can't provide adequate training, implement quality of life improvements, procure new equipment, or fix the weapons systems we've got now (which, by the way, is deteriorating at a much faster rate than military estimates). The Air Force has gone so far as to say military pay could be affected (a hollow threat is you ask me). But keep in mind cuts are being taken from other services' budgets in order to fund the Army's fight because there isn't enough in the budget. I understand why it's being done and the fact politicians are holding up crucial funding to our warfighters in order to make some kind of statement or position themselves for runs at the presidency makes me sick to my stomach.

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