19 May 2007

Justin Timberlake is a wizard

I don't know if J-Tim made a deal with the devil or if his nickname is tripod, but whatever it is the guy is pulling down some serious trim. I think at some point he might have to retire or give his dick a break. First, he's laying the pipe in Britney Spears. As if through some clairvoyant awakening he dumps her before she becomes a fat, bald, dumpy terd. He had that thing with Cameron Diaz for a while, which I simply chalk up to the fact she could probably suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Then he dumps her ass and starts being seen with Scarlett Johansson who is a nice--and reportedly easy--piece of ass. wwtdd.com says, "Honestly, is there anyone in Hollywood Scarlett Johansson hasn’t slept with yet. I bet she just flips through People magazine and thinks, 'Oh hey…I swallowed that guys sperm once…'" But whatever, if he got to see those fun bags more power to him. And in case you've finally regained your eyesight after looking at Jessica Biel's sweet caboose (top photo) then you've realized he's now tagging that! There were some pics I found of the two shopping in London, but why put up something like that when I can throw up a photo of what is any guy's new dream position with Jessica Biel?!

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