09 July 2007

A link and a few observations

This article is an amazing piece of work. If you don't find this funny it's because your an ass clown or an uptight cock tease.

A while back I was providing some education on the ladies and how to tell how dirty a chick is by looking at her. I have another little nugget for everyone. The more a girl's hair color is headed toward some unnatural red or purple hue the dirtier in the sack she is. No need to be afraid of hurting this girl in bed--the harder the donkey punch the better for this lovely siren!

This observation is for the younger guys coming up. Now what do these four pictures of people in line or being the first to buy an iPhone have in common? These are among the many guys who have never been laid. The last time they saw a vagina was when they were born. Never, ever do something like this. These losers can wait in line for days because they have no girlfriend, no job, and they live in their parents' basement. Congratulations, losers, you've got a sweet new phone. And no girl is still going to call you. And Christmas would come early if he got his dick wet before he dies.

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