25 July 2007

Just back from the John Mayer concert

The wife and I just got back from the John Mayer concert in DC. I can sum up the experience in one word: awesome! We got there a little after everything kicked off. I wanted to get a listen to James Morrison, an up and coming artist from England. He certainly didn't disappoint in my mind and I will certainly buy his CD. I believe John Mayer called it this year's "Back to School" album.

Next up was Ben Folds. I guess with the recession he had to get rid of the Five part because now it's just three guys. I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure how the band is on an album, but they were awesome in concert. I bet you in a small venue they kick some serious ass. They definitely had a Barenaked Ladies vibe going on and if you've ever been to one of their concerts you know it's a good time.

Last up was John Mayer and it took over 40 minutes between Ben Folds finishing up and Mayer starting. To me that was WAY too long considering it took about 20 minutes to get the set ready. Once the music started up, though, all was forgiven. John Mayer right now is in my top 5 artists. I love his music and the fact he doesn't sound like everyone else (a post for later). All the songs were great, but tonight's version of "Gravity" was unbelievable. It's already my favorite song of his and if I could find this version somewhere online I'd be ecstatic. If you get the chance to see this guy live do so because you will not be disappointed.

Now for the guy's only section. I think that if you're a convicted sex offender you should be at this concert. There was all kinds of ass walking around--unreal. Lots of dirty chicks, nice girls, missionary-only...you name it, they had it. And I really appreciated the wife pointing out the MILF in front of me. Her low-cut tank afforded me the opportunity to look at the top of her jubblies. Two words: Daddy Like.

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