05 January 2008

What's the big deal?

I love golf. In fact, it's an addiction. And the place I go to get all kinds of golf information is Golfwrx.com. I've been a member for quite a while now and it's got some unbelievable stuff and great insider information. I have learned so much from this site and even used the site to find a place to get fitted for clubs (I highly recommend the Golf Tour Trailer). Sometimes you get pictures like the one here. These are the new Bridgestone J36 Cavity irons. I think they look great.

But ask some of the people on the site and they can't get over the blue paint fill. Huh? What the fuck does it matter what the back of the club looks like? If you're staring at the back of the club as you set up over the ball it's because you're an idiot. I see people talk about how some clubs are too busy on the back or bottom and I just shake my head. If this bothers you then fill it in with another color! To be bothered by something so stupid makes me wonder how these guys handle difficult situations. Sheesh!

1 comment:

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