06 January 2008

Open foot, insert mouth

There are some things you should never say. Don't drop the "N" word in a black neighborhood or the "S" word in a Latino neighborhood. Unless you want a beat down of epic proportions. Go to Germany and drop some Nazi propaganda in public and see what happens. So I was surprised to see, this article this evening. If you're not the patient sort, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf told 60 minutes this about Benazir Bhutto's death: "For standing up outside the car, I think it was she to blame alone -- nobody else. Responsibility is hers." Of all the things you could say that's the wrong one. Sure, if she'd kept her head in the SUV she'd probably still be alive. Instead, Bhutto's got to stick her head out the damn sunroof to wave to her subjects as if she didn't learn from the first bombing after her arrival. But you just don't say it! That's like telling a sensitive friend with a bad haircut they got a bad hair cut. Bad move dude.

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