You can read the whole article here, but the gist of the article is that Dana Jacobson, who is on ESPN's "First Take", was reprimanded by ESPN for some comments she made during the Mike and Mike celebrity roast on January 11th. She apparently made some remarks about Notre Dame that the Irish peeps deemed inappropriate.
How does this happen? It's a celebrity ROAST! Has anybody at ESPN ever seen a roast? I'm not talking about some major network deal, but a no kidding roast. To my knowledge the roast isn't going to be televised and why should it? Roasts are brutal. It's all about personal attacks and putting someone down as much as possible. Aside from racial slurs there's probably nothing that's out of bounds. ESPN should think twice about doing this kind of thing if its employees suddenly have to be censored when performing during an event people paid to get into--and was for adults.
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