07 January 2008

A couple Barack Obama observations

I'm not big on talking about politics--it's one of those things I keep to myself. It's nobody else's business who I vote for. But general observations are fine so here are two that have to do with Barack Obama.

First, I think I've figured out why Barack Obama is leading by double digits in the New Hampshire primary. Next time Barack is on TV, close your eyes and listen to the man's voice. Now tell me he doesn't sound like The Rock. "If you smell what Barack is cookin'!" Seriously. The similarity is uncanny! Obama is going to clean up in the south. There are so many wrestling fans down there people would go ape shit if Obama took a folding chair to the back of Hillary's head. Believe it or Barack will lay the smack down on your candy ass.

Second, as I was watching the Mercedes Benz Championship, Zach Johnson got asked why he was impressed by Barack Obama, who he met in Iowa. Zach Johnson said Barack sounded like he was really dedicated to what he was doing and believed in his cause. Wow. That was insightful. For all of the time and effort these politicians put into a campaign I'd hope like hell they all were dedicated to their efforts. There are a lot of other things I can do half ass and none of them involve running for president--like work.

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