04 June 2007

The world's greatest show

Being a man of culture, I find the need to educate some of my less intelligent readers. Sometimes when I come across an educational program I feel the need to share it with my dozens of readers. It's similar to the way I shared my bed with the beautiful ladies. After all, should I be selfish and keep my tremendous lovemaking skills to myself? Of course not!

So it is with great pleasure I tell you about "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." This show comes on FX and I believe will start its third season June 28th. It's been a long time since I've laughed this hard. The show is about four people--basically degenerates--who own an Irish bar in Philly. Every week you get to watch and see if they can lower themselves further into depravity. And they succeed each time. You can go to iTunes and pull down the full episodes and you can find clips on youtube. You can't get funnier than two guys going to abortion rallies to get laid, Charlie pretending to have cancer so he can get a date, Dennis and Mac finding a dead guy in the bar and trying to bang the granddaughter...just your basic, simple smart humor here, people.

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