04 June 2007


As I've mentioned before I have a real problem with the politically correct, let's be nice and sensitive to everyone world we're becoming. It's just too much to bear right now. So when I hear about a study stating kids are playing too many sports and suffering injuries I've got to stop and put my beer down. Excuse me? Too much sports? Who the hell is paying money for this type of bullshit?! Do you really want your kid to look like the picture to the right? You don't want your kid with that cottage cheese, pockmarked body do you? In case you're wondering that's a photo of Britney Spears which further proves why she's now a fug pig who only the most desparate of men should be beating off to. I think I'd rather put my dick in a meat grinder.

But back to the subject. Kids in the states are already fat enough and these types of studies serve no purpose except to cause parents to overreact more than they already do and pull their kids from any type of physical activity. We need kids who are competitive, hate to lose, and strive to get better. That's what this country is about. When 12 year olds are falling over dead in their biggie size meals maybe we'll get a clue.

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