In case you're wondering what this picture is all about, it's a portrait of Roy L. Pearson, an administrative law judge here in DC. He is suing a dry cleaner for $54 million under the District's consumer protection act. Pearson claims the Chungs, the owners of the cleaner, committed fraud by having signs posted guaranteeing satisfaction and providing same-day service. Before you get too crazy, he did reduce it by $13 million because his original case had to do with the pants he took there that were lost. At least he understood the frivolity of it all and came to his senses by dropping that part of his lawsuit. Can you believe that among his claimed damages is the need for a car to find a new dry cleaner?! This asshole has the balls to say he is going through with this case for the good of all residents in DC. Give me a fucking break.
If the judge in this case doesn't put this fucker in jail or line him up so everyone in the courtroom can punch him in the mouth then there's something wrong. This is the type of shit people point to when they talk about frivolous lawsuits. And here's the thing, the Chungs ended up finding the pants and even offered to compensate him well above the value of his pants (he turned down settlement offers of $3000, for $4600, and $12,000). And yet this piece of monkey shit is still going ahead with it. Once again Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson show their true colors by not showing up in their never-ending justice crusade. Here's a hint for you two motherfuckers: you're supposed to be against a shit bag like Roy L. Pearson even if he is a black guy. That's not racist--it's the right thing to do.
Apparently during his testimony today, the dude actually broke down talking about his history of community service, his weight gain as a middle-aged man, his financial woes and his painful divorce. Broke down crying...further confirmation this guy is nothing but a bitch.
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