04 September 2007

Jerry Lewis, ass clown

I wrote previously about the jackass celebrities who make some stupid public comments and then try to retract them. Like Jerry Lewis calling someone an "illiterate faggot" during his telethon. Literacy is no laughing matter, Mr. Lewis! Jerry Lewis is 81 and was on his 18th hour--give the guy a break if he forgot to hide his homophobic tendencies for two seconds. And of course the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD, get it?) has to get its two cents in because no one even knows this organization exists. They want to get together with Jerry Lewis and pull an Al Sharpton on Imus thing to better educate him on the evils of words like faggot.

Jerry Lewis of course said all the "right" things for the cameras. Wouldn't it be awesome if at the press conference he just said, "Yeah, I said it. I've said a lot worse. So I called a guy a faggot--big deal! I hate gays--there I said it so now you don't have to wonder and I don't have to stand up and give some bullshit apology none of you will believe. I'm 81 years old and if you don't like what I say then go fuck yourselves." Now that's a man.

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