17 September 2007

Hell yeah!

Somehow the good people at my job saw it fit to send me down here to the University of Tennessee for a course on logistics. So far it's been great. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm an Auburn grad--a true fan through and through. I've been to some other campuses throughout the Southeastern Conference and there's one thing that's constant at each school--the hot trim. I haven't been back to Auburn in a long time and so this trip confirmed the fact there is still PLENTY of major league talent. Knoxville is no exception. I've been all over the world and nowhere are the girls prettier than in the SEC. You don't need Levitra or Viagra. One college party is all the help you need to cure erectile dysfunction. If you don't believe me just look at the photos of these lovely UT girls and you'll see what I mean.

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