20 August 2007


Sometimes it takes me a bit to catch an underlying message. Forgive me, but I drink a lot. So McDonald's has introduced a new Chipotle snack wrap and they've rolled out a new series of commercials. One in particular caught my eye. A young woman walks up to the door and this Rico Suave (for you youngsters look him up) imitation starts rapping. Can you see where this is going? So why is it the Latina is wanting a CHIPOTLE wrap?! They probably wanted to finish off the commercial with the INS busting in and sending everyone back to Mexico because--as McDonald's is trying to say--we all look alike, right? Maybe McDonald's will have a teriyaki wrap and show some Asian kids going to McD's to take a break from their big math exam. Or some black--excuse me, African American--kids taking a break from playing basketball to get that new fried chicken and watermelon combo. And why the music? Why is it the Latino ads have some kind of salsa music, white ads have rock- or popish music, and ads with black people show urban music. How about we mix it up a little, guys? No need for a mariachi band every time you air an ad with the Latinos. Let's mix it up a little, boys!

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