So it looks like Madonna might not be able to adopt a baby from Malawi because of bribery shit. I didn't really read much of the article because I could care less nowadays. It's amazing these celebrities will go to these third-world countries and adopt children who otherwise wouldn't have a chance. You know who else doesn't have a chance--AMERICAN ORPHANS!! How about you help some people here in this country?! I'm glad stuck up bitches like Madonna decide to move out of the country so we don't have to put up with their shit. Angelina Jolie goes around adopting kids from Thailand and Africa...how about picking up a kid from Atlanta or LA, you fucking dope?! Oprah Winfrey decides to open up a girls-only school in South Africa to give them an opportunity. Open a school in Florida and send disadvantaged girls here! How about you give a little something to the country that actually made you famous???
People get rich and all of a sudden they feel like they have to make some kind of change to who they are. That's why I love Jenna Jameson. She would suck anybody's dick just to get on the camera. And when she made it big, she was STILL sucking dick on camera. Stay who you are! If Oprah was a racist bigot before she got famous then why shouldn't she be able to stay that way?! Madonna, go back to wearing bondage outfits and showing off your hairy bush in Playboy. You gotta keep it real, bitch!
I've been reading some of your stuff, dear Felix, and though you say you are "laid back", I gotta say, you sound like a sexually pent up, angry little man. Just keeping it real, amigo. Maybe you should get laid.
Hmmmm...angry? No. Opinionated? Yes. As for the sexually pent up part...I am married. It's cool, though. You've got your opinion and one of these days when you move out of your parent's basement you'll be heard.
yeah, you're probably right dude...I should leave the parents' place behind, but ya know, they have a pretty nice spread. There's a pool, and the jacuzzi, too...so I guess I could go the responsible route and be a respectable married man like yourself, content to drool over underage actresses I'll never meet or I can just stay my humble loser self, hanging by the pool with the fine young ladies I meet at school. Do you have any idea how much they enjoy mom and dad's jacuzzi? Man, you have no clue. But then, you're an officer and a "gentleman" right?
By fine young ladies do you mean whatever it is you can pick up by promising them a chance to go swimming in your parents' pool? Hoping they might actually be interested in you? That just once it'll be your lucky day and all the wishes you've written in your diary will come true? You're right--your life is TONS better. If you ever get a girl interested in you she could come over, but that means you'd have to cancel your Friday night Dungeons and Dragons game. Come back anytime you like and enjoy the blog. Maybe it'll give you some good shower-nozzle masturbation material.
awww, now don't go cracking on dungeous 'n dragons...that just aint right, man. hey, I admit to being a degenerate loser, but I'm a happy, sexually fulfilled degenerate loser who loves and respects women, beautiful goddesses that they are...and yeah,once in awhile, I masturbate too, but don't we all? comes with the human condition, ya know...and I know I said it before, but ya sound a little bitter. I still think you need to get laid.
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