Why do Hollywood types decide once they become famous it's okay to start talking politics? How many of these idiots even finished high school or have even done any kind of research? Just once when a reporter asked them a question it'd be nice if they just said, "I don't pay attention to that shit" or "You know, I can't say one way or another because I haven't read much about it". Wouldn't that be refreshing? I mean, give me a break! These people influence others when it comes time to vote because they figure, "I'm an actor so I guess that means I'm a Democrat." Can that Garofolo chick even read (notice I probably didn't spell her name right, but only because she hasn't done shit in so long she's probably giving blowjobs to execs just to get a job nowadays)? She spouts off without really knowing shit about the social issues. I'm not going to pretend I'm well informed about things, which is why you won't hear me shooting off at the mouth.
I bet Alec Baldwin wishes he'd kept his mouth shut, too. Definitely not the thing to say whether you're famous or not. I gotta say both parents here are SERIOUS whackos in serious need of some assistance. If you believe Kim Bassinger didn't release that voicemail and America is worse off than I thought. Maybe if a hole sucked up both of these people we'd all be better off. Then we could remember them as that happy couple in the movie--ummmm, what was it again? Never mind--it was a good time.
Fat pig Rosie O'Donnell decided to drop a bunch of "F bombs" and shout "eat me" at Donald Trump. Nothing too surprising from this disgusting tub of shit except she dropped all this during a function honoring women. Having Rosie as an example for women is like having Hitler lead your race relations discussion. Doesn't this idiot understand she continues to make a bigger ass of herself each time she opens her mouth? Trump owns this bitch and the sooner she realizes it the better off we'll be and Rosie can go back to eating her gallon of Ben & Jerry's before she tapes the View.
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