01 October 2008


I come into work pretty early--so early the only people still awake besides me are hookers turning their last trick for the evening. So I see some of the security guys and gym rats coming to work and I notice there are a lot of people who feel the need to back into a parking spot. Why is that? Does it make you look cool? Are you planning a bank robbery and need to make a fast getaway? I don't know, but it's a little annoying. Almost as annoying as the guy I saw yesterday with a Bentley grill on his Chrysler 300--what? That's like buying those hubcap spinners. Horrible, bro.

And speaking of sweet rides, meet this month's foxy lady. Keeley Hazell hails from England and I hear there are topless pictures of her on a site called www.page3.com--I think. She's definitely got one thing going for her that most Brits don't: nice teeth.

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