In another example of America's descent into pussyosity, ads for the new movie, "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", are being rejected by newspapers and television. Apparently the word "porno" is an unsavory word these days. Some child education expert in Boston says the ads inform kids that it's okay to work in the porn industry. "It's drawing attention to a movie which is mainstreaming and normalizing pornography, saying if you need money, this is what you do," said Diane Levin, co-author of "So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids." Really? Are you kidding? Here's how you protect your kids: be up front with them and explain the situation. You want your kid to try being in a porno? Keep them away from it as much as possible. I lived in Germany and I noticed European kids were much less "in love" with the thought of boozing it up. You know why? Because they're around it from a young age so maybe they're not as apt to go out and experiment at such a young age. Europeans are a lot more open about sex as well and my guess is there are probably fewer teenage pregnancies there than some places in the US where some religions consider pre-marital sex taboo. Give me a break.
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