20 November 2007

The Saudis are some crazy bastards

This story is pretty damn crazy. A woman and man get kidnapped. The woman is raped by the assailants and she's getting 200 LASHES! According to Saudi Islamic law a woman can't meet with an unrelated man.

You know what I say? Tough. If it's against their law then so be it. Of course, someone in American has to be offended for the woman, even if she did agree to the punishment. You knowingly do something wrong what do you expect? It seems most people in death penalty states don't understand the hoopla over human rights groups that denounce capital punishment. But cane a kid for breaking the law in some Southeast Asian country and we're up in arms.

You ask me I think the Saudis have some of that shit right. Get caught stealing and your hand gets chopped off. Think you'll do it again?

You want to stop a child sex offender? Cut his balls off. See if you have a problem then. We're so quick to kill a person, but God forbid we should make a guy sterile. Because that would be wrong.

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