30 September 2008

Mia Farrow is a saint

Mia Farrow is big on UNICEF and she apparently just got back from touring Haiti and surveyed the devastation. Haiti was devastated by four hurricanes in just a few weeks and cities and villages are devastated. Apparently small donations will save lives in a country that is our neighbor. How about you help some other neighbors? Like the underprivileged people we have right in this country. It seems all of the Hollywood big wigs don't have a problem going to foreign countries because apparently all of the homeless people I see in DC are very well off. The truth is they don't mind helping folks from other countries because the only time they have to see them is when they take a trip with cameras in tow so people know what great humanitarians they are. Give me a fucking break. Why don't you start here in the US first and see if you can help some of your real neighbors?

And this obviously isn't Mia Farrow--that bitch has let herself go. But Megan Fox...well, feel free to rub one out.

24 September 2008

Too sexy

Apparently University of Idaho fans are upset about the sexiness of their cheerleader's uniforms. According to the dean of students, "A number of fans were concerned that the uniforms were inappropriate. To be fair, there were a number of fans who liked them." Let me take a stab at who didn't like them: band girls and ugly chicks. If you're a deuce and a half and can't seem to get rid of that mustache you probably weren't digging it.

As an expert in all things sexy, these uniforms aren't inappropriate enough. I'm guessing Moscow, ID isn't a hot bed for talent. So if you've got 10-12 pieces of ass on campus, be sure to show it off.

23 September 2008

An observation

Anybody notice when the news channels interview supporters of Obama you never see a white person? And when they interview McCain supporters you don't see a black person? Just curious...

Call It a Comeback

A friend pointed out I hadn't updated this blog in ages and sure enough, she was right. I'm a slackass, but you'll have to forgive me. Between wishing I could make a run at the PGA Tour, taking care of our baby girl, and dealing with supporting FEMA I'm a bit swamped. Something had to go so this blog and I took a break. No idea how often I'll post, but I promise to make an attempt. To make it up here's a picture of Megan Fox, this month's Coughdrop Realities girl. When I contacted her to inform her of this prestigious award she reminded me phone calls are prohibited under the restraining order--she's such a tease...